2 Replies, 340 Views

Issue: Function of MiniMenu.USE_INVENTORY_ITEM_ON_OBJECT crashes 
Other Note: NA
same thing happens with NPC.FindNpc(ID).GetNearest().DoAction(MiniMenu.USE_INVENTORY_ITEM_ON_NPC);
Sounds easy enough right? Just play park and some rec and you will discover your time right? Practice makes perfect, so it is time to go the mycourt, into your private hypebolic time room. The mycourt has one special feature that can turn you. Ball guards might want to practice in just shoot but it doesn't hurt to know your catch and shoot time as well. The ball machine will become your best buddy. Walk in to your mycourt and press A and it should produce a listing of manners, then ball system. My routine is to adhere to the basic 3pt contest system, choose 5 shots wing and the surface of the key.

I go until I can green out of every area for 3 trials. Sometimes I do it some times, in 1 attempt. Learn and relax that your time, there is no imply messages coming away or no stress. I just fire away shots and play some music or with a podcast. I'd suggest going to the point at which the timing becomes muscle memory for those looking to perfect their time. Is because they understand their shot, there is absolutely no guesswork.

You can consistently shots with your jump shot, so now it is time to completely disrupt your entire routine. You have attached to the bar did not you? You will notice competitive players rarely use a bar, but why? Per mike wang, NBA 2K23play manager for Nba 2K:"It raises the window and promotes good shot time but also nerfs bad timing. If you fight with shooter time I would not turn it off. But if you understand your timing nicely you'll see higher."

To interpret it makes it a lot easier to green shots and penalizes. In my opinion it is really simpler to shoot with no bar since I snapped the animation of my player/muscle memory of my shooter, instead of trying to time a pub. No bar shooting will seem demanding at first after you begin to green that's no going back to the bar but I promise you. This may not be the situation for 2K23 but I hope they do because it is among those very few skill gaps in NBA 2K23 in my view.

If you want to know more about NBA 2K MT, please visit nba2king

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